Only if one tries can we make a difference in society.
Dr. Preeti Pradhan Gupte is a Family Physician, and has been practicing for the past 19 years.
During the pandemic Dr. Preeti Pradhan Gupte was allotted a one month duty at the at the Covid Care Centre at Shahunagar Chinchwad.
At the start seeing the proportion of rising cases Dr. Preeti Pradhan Gupte took the initiative to hold a camp at her clinic to trace patients suffering from the dreaded Carona virus, of-course following government rules and regulations.
Dr. Preeti Pradhan Gupte followed the 3 T Principle.
At the Covid Test Centre the patients had to undergo the Rapid Antigen Test as well as RT-PCR Test.
Once they tested positive they were categorized under mild, moderate and severe.
The patients who had mild symptoms were isolated at the Covid Care Centre. Those who had moderate symptoms were treated symptomatically. And those whose parameters were high or wrong were shifted to YCMH or the ICU
Patients who tested positive were checked on regularly by follow up calls.
Dr. Preeti Pradhan Gupte would take rounds twice a day every day to check on the patients.
Last year Dr. Preeti Gupte won the Maharashtra Doctors Jodi no. 1 award in Dec 2019 held at Lagoona retreat Lonavala.
She won an award last month for her contribution towards work during Covid-19 pandemic.
It is easy during such challenging times to give up. However, it is doctors like these who render their services unflinchingly, braving situations that can harm their health leading to even death; which makes all the difference in the society.