All our lives there is one thing that we strive for…PEACE! We go to churches, temples, mosques, gurudwara; we go on pilgrimages and sacred places all in the hope of attaining peace. We take to meditation and yoga all in the name of PEACE.

Here we have one such individual who not for himself but for us all walks the world for PEACE. A man whose life took a sudden turn at the age of 50, when he decided to retire from his job and give back to the world in a measure that was challenging yet so inspiring and fulfilling, done selflessly only to spread the message of LOVE AND PEACE WORLD OVER.

Yogeshji and his team walking for World Peace

His love for peace and wanting to walk for peace was sown when he was 9 years of age, when 2 men who were inspired by the actions of  Gandhi and Vinobha decided to walk the world for PEACE. They walked through Russia, France, the UK and the US as these 4 nations were building Nuclear Power! They started their journey in 1962 and walked for 27 months finally giving their memorandum on JF Kennedy’s grave.

The seeds that had been sown so young took long years to germinate. The subconscious mind was preparing him for when he was fifty and had retired.  After 2 years of retirement Yogesh Mathuria met Satish Kumar one of the boys who had walked the world for PEACE.

“And I asked him what I should do in my current situation”.

He said, “India is a lovely country, but it has challenging neighbors. So why don’t you take the message of love and peace and walk in India itself, and take the message into neighbouring countries.”

“The seed for my walk was put in 1966 in my consciousness and it got revived in 2012 and in 2013 my journey started.”

The book that the two men launched about their walk was called… ‘Bine paise duniya ki paidal saffar’.

Yogesh Mathuria has been walking for PEACE in parts of the world without any money. He takes with him no money!

Yogesh’s first walk to Ahmedabad from Pune was a life changer.

“And those 19 days from Bombay to Ahmedabad changed my life.  The first walk was to get the belief in myself that I can do this. Without money you can walk. Subsequent to that I walked from Pune to Sri Lanka.  It was a 6 months walk. And it was much challenging in the sense that from here to Pakistan border if you know Hindi you are taken care of. But going to the south….you don’t know the language. It becomes a barrier.”

But then when travelling to the south language was not the only barrier. Food also became a challenge as rice is the staple diet. However, Yogesh took different learnings from his walk.

“Somebody asked me what did you gain in these 6 months. I thought to myself and I realized that my belief in humanity got reconfirmed. The second walk was yes humanity exits. In every situation.”

People along the way were so accommodating that they made his walk easy and not a challenge.

The walk to Africa was a deep spiritual experience. Listening to his narrative I was awestruck.

Africa with the conflicts among its people, and extreme poverty among the black Africans can be a dangerous place to walk for kms, without security.  One can be robbed, killed or kidnapped! However, here was Yogesh, unfazed, not petrubed by the many warnings given to him by the people there in Africa, not just the police. He along with his 19 year old daughter, a monk and 4 other people walked his walk.

“This country has 30 to 35 kms of places where you will not find any human being on the road. And there are no villages in about 30 kms in the area.  Security is a big challenge in the country, where every day 57 murders happen, every day 1200 robberies happen. You guys are mad to come and walk in this country. So that was the reception we had.”

Yogeshji with his guru Mohanji and daughter Sakshi Mathuria

Here was a man who was ready to put his life at stake for PEACE not for himself but for us all! He believes that there is a divine purpose he is working for, and that the divine powers are there to guide and protect.

The magic of the vibrations of the prayers they chanted along the way was clearly visible in the way they were protected and looked after by not just Indians residing in Johanessburg, but also by the localites, and the police!

Their walk to Africa started on the 21st of Sept. 2018  like every other walk that starts on the 21st of Sept. it being world peace day. The walk started from Pune and they reached Mumbai on the 28th. They walked for 8 days covering 235 kms.  29th they took off and reached Johanessburg on the 30th. They walked from the 2nd of October to the 30th of November 2018, covering completing 1320 kms from Johannesburg to Mvezo Nelson Mandela’s birth place. They walked for 60 days.  In all they had walked for 68 days covering 1555 kms.

They started their journey from Constitution Hill an ancient jail where Gandhi and Nelson Mandela were jailed. It was Gandhi’s 149th birthday. The counselor general of India Dr. K. Srinivasan was very kind to flag of their walk.

Yogeshji at Constitution Hill
Yogeshji with Gandhiji’s grand daughter

The divine energy provided along the way. One great experience was with the police, who were touched by the act and housed them in the jail for 5 days. The police also made arrangements for their luggage to be transported to every other destination. It would be sent to the next police station.

Temples churches gurudwaras and regular civilians all had their doors open. People themselves came forward wanting the team to live with them, housing them, feeding them so willingly.

“We slept 2 nights in a school, 2 nights in a church 4 nights in a gurudwara; we slept  for 10 nights in temples, we had 4 nights in a bed and breakfast. We had 1 night in a five star, and 1 night in a 7 star.”

The surprise element was when the hospital offered them their beds to sleep on.

Yogesh says that the spiritual DNA lies in his genes. It stems from his forefathers who 5 generations ago walked for 19 months to Mathura. Of the 623 that travelled only 218 survived. They had a purpose!

Every one of us he says has a purpose in life, we need to recognize it.

“Our purpose is to walk on the road and sow the seeds of love …We pray and chant whilst walking. After 9 to 10 hours of walk we engage with people…sometimes college, sometimes schools, sometimes the village panchayat. We talk about our purpose and experiences. We spread the message.”

Yogesh Mathuria will be walking again on the 12th to Bangladesh. Once again taking with him the message of LOVE AND PEACE.

My message to all would be… there can be peace and love among us all when we learn to forgive and forget, and not carry grudges in our hearts that lead to unrest, conflicts, and misunderstandings.


If you would like to join the Peace Pilgrimage, or support in any way you can call Yogesh Mathuria on :+91 9821133587










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